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23 articles
Manage or remove the unsubscribe linkRemove the unsubscribe link in your email header and edit the unsubscribe link in your email footer.
Understanding email errors and email clippingWhy am I receiving a notification that my email is too long?
Understanding required email featuresWhat sections are required in an email?
Utilize Express CheckoutMake purchases quick and easy by adding express checkout to your Featured products and Back in stock sections
Use the dimensions in augmented reality (AR) sectionUse augmented reality in email and help customers visualize the product in their space.
Add a reviews section anchor in emailsAdd the reviews section anchor (HTML id) to the Review request automation.
What is the Recommended product section?How does Seguno add products to the recommended product section?
What is the Flipbook section?Using the Flipbook section in an email.
Edit the countdown section in emailUsing the countdown section in an email.
Add a video or TikTok to an emailUsing the video section in the editor.
Save a section to reuse in other emailsCopy a section from one email to another.
Best practices for using images in emailImage size and format recommendations.
Add a file or attachment to an emailAdd downloadable content to an email.
Add product variants to an emailChange the product image or variant in an email.
Design with Canva in the Seguno EditorAccess Canva from within the Seguno Editor.
Remove the Seguno logo from the email footer
Editing the email header and logoCustomize the email header to match your company's brand.
Using a background image in emailAdd an image to the background of an email.
Using custom font styles in emailChanging fonts in Seguno.
Manage and edit your shared themeManaging and editing your shared themes.